Hay tres exámenes de BEC - BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage y BEC Higher - que testean la habilidad en la lengua inglesa utilizada en el contexto de negocios. Estos exámenes son ideales si se está preparando para una carrera en el negocio.
Los exámenes de BEC se enlazan al Consejo Común de Europa de Referencia para los Idiomas, y a las Calificaciones del REINO UNIDO y las Normas Nacionales de Autoridad del Plan de estudios para la Alfabetización
¿Por qué rendir BEC?
Más que nunca, se necesita un conocimiento bueno de inglés tener éxito en el negocio internacional y comercio. Si usted puede mostrar que tiene las habilidades del idioma pertinentes, tendrá una gran ventaja en el mercado laboral y una flexibilidad mas amplia si quiere trabajar en el extranjero.
Una calificación comercial internacionalmente reconocida puede ayudarlo a demostrar que usted ha aprendido inglés de forma apropiada y está capacitado para usarlo en un contexto profesional.
viernes, 30 de marzo de 2007
Business English: Why take BEC?
There are three BEC exams - BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher - which test English language ability used in the context of business. They are ideal if you are preparing for a career in business.
The BEC exams are linked to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and to the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's National Standards for Literacy, within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Why take BEC?
More than ever, a good knowledge of English is needed to succeed in international business and commerce. If you can show you have relevant language skills you'll have a great advantage in the jobs market and much greater flexibility if you want to work abroad.
An internationally recognised business qualification can help you show that you have learned English to an appropriate standard and can use it in a professional context.
What does the exam involve?
BEC Preliminary
Reading and Writing (1 hour 30 minutes)
In the Reading part there are seven tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, Right/Wrong/Doesn't Say, multiple choice gap-filling and form-filling. The Reading part is 25% of the total marks.
In the Writing part there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 30-40 words), and a piece of business communication (based on Reading input, approx. 60-80 words). The Writing part is 25% of the total marks.
Listening (approx. 40 minutes)
In the Listening component there are four tasks of the following types: multiple choice, gap-filling and form-filling. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.
Speaking (approx. 12 minutes per pair of candidates)
The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.)
During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.
BEC Vantage
Reading (1 hour)
In the Reading paper there are five tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks.
Writing (45 minutes)
In the Writing paper there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 40-50 words), and a short report, proposal or piece of business correspondence (based on Reading input, approx. 120-140 words). The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks.
Listening (approx. 40 minutes)
In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.
Speaking (approx. 14 minutes per pair of candidates)
The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.)
During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.
BEC Higher
Reading (1 hour)
In the Reading paper there are six tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, word level gap-filling, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks.
Writing (1 hour 10 minutes)
In the Writing paper there are two tasks. In Part One candidates produce a short report (based on graphic input, approx. 120-140 words). In Part Two candidates choose whether to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence. The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks.
Listening (approx. 40 minutes)
In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.
Speaking (approx. 16 minutes per pair of candidates)
The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.)
During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.
The BEC exams are linked to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and to the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's National Standards for Literacy, within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Why take BEC?
More than ever, a good knowledge of English is needed to succeed in international business and commerce. If you can show you have relevant language skills you'll have a great advantage in the jobs market and much greater flexibility if you want to work abroad.
An internationally recognised business qualification can help you show that you have learned English to an appropriate standard and can use it in a professional context.
What does the exam involve?
BEC Preliminary
Reading and Writing (1 hour 30 minutes)
In the Reading part there are seven tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, Right/Wrong/Doesn't Say, multiple choice gap-filling and form-filling. The Reading part is 25% of the total marks.
In the Writing part there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 30-40 words), and a piece of business communication (based on Reading input, approx. 60-80 words). The Writing part is 25% of the total marks.
Listening (approx. 40 minutes)
In the Listening component there are four tasks of the following types: multiple choice, gap-filling and form-filling. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.
Speaking (approx. 12 minutes per pair of candidates)
The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.)
During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.
BEC Vantage
Reading (1 hour)
In the Reading paper there are five tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks.
Writing (45 minutes)
In the Writing paper there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 40-50 words), and a short report, proposal or piece of business correspondence (based on Reading input, approx. 120-140 words). The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks.
Listening (approx. 40 minutes)
In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.
Speaking (approx. 14 minutes per pair of candidates)
The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.)
During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.
BEC Higher
Reading (1 hour)
In the Reading paper there are six tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, word level gap-filling, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks.
Writing (1 hour 10 minutes)
In the Writing paper there are two tasks. In Part One candidates produce a short report (based on graphic input, approx. 120-140 words). In Part Two candidates choose whether to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence. The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks.
Listening (approx. 40 minutes)
In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks.
Speaking (approx. 16 minutes per pair of candidates)
The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.)
During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks.
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2007
¿Por qué rendir First Certificate?
FCE es un examen para aquellos cuyo conocimiento de inglés es adecuado para muchos propósitos cotidianos prácticos, incluyendo los negocios y el estudio.
Para tener éxito, usted deberá tener un amplio manejo de vocabulario, y la habilidad de desarrollar un argumento y usar los estilos de comunicación apropiados para diversas situaciones. Usted también necesitará demostrar un conocimiento de registro y de convenciones de cortesía y grados de formalidad para expresarse a través del idioma.
FCE es rendido por más de 270,000 personas cada año más de 100 países.
¿Por qué rendir FCE?
FCE es ideal si usted quiere trabajar o estudiar en el extranjero o desarrollar una carrera que requiera las habilidades del idioma (por ejemplo los negocios, la medicina, ingeniería, etc.). FCE indica la habilidad suficiente en inglés para su uso práctico en trabajos de secretaria y directivos en muchas industrias, en particular turismo dónde se requiere un buen manejo integral del idioma. Los candidatos exitosos tienen la habilidad de manejarse con cartas y requerimientos telefónicos y para se saben desempeñar en cursos de entrenamiento no-académicos y comprenden libros de texto simples y artículos.
FCE también es la preparación útil si usted está preparándose para los exámenes de niveles superiores, como CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) y CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
Los certificados otorgados por la Universidad de Cambridge ESOL Examinations están reconocidos por universidades y empresas en todo el mundo y son los únicos de carácter oficial en Argentina, dado que el Ministerio de Educación no avala ningún tipo de certificados emitidos por ningún Instituto, Cultural y/o academia de idiomas.
Usted también recibirá una declaración de resultados, mostrando cómo usted se ha desenvuelto en cada uno de los cinco partes del examen.
¿En qué consiste el examen?
FCE tiene cinco partes:
Lectura Comprensiva (Reading)
Producción Escrita (Writing)
Uso de Inglés (Use of English)
Comprensión Auditiva (Listening)
Oral (Speaking)
Cada uno de los tests escritos se envía a la Universidad de Cambridge para ser corregidos y evaluados. El examen Oral se dirige por dos examinadores locales que lo examinan cara a cara. Todos los examinadores son acreditados por Cambridge ESOL.
Reading (Paper 1), 1 hora 15 minutos
Este test evalúa su habilidad para leer y entender textos tomados de la ficción y de libros reales, periódicos y revistas. Se espera que usted pueda mostrar entendimiento de esencia, detalle y estructura del texto, y deducción de significados.
Writing (Paper 2), 1 hora 30 minutos
Este Test evalúa su habilidad de escribir textos como cartas, artículos, informes, composiciones y ensayos de 120-180 t palabras sobre un rango de temas para diferentes targets (tipos de lectores) y también sobre textos predeterminados.
Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hora 15 minutos
Este papel le exige que demuestre su conocimiento y comando del sistema del idioma completando varias tareas Éstos incluyen completar blancos, transformación de palabras y frases, e identificar errores en textos.
Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutos (aprox.)
Este examen evalúa su habilidad de entender el significado del inglés hablado, y para extraer la esencia y significando del texto hablado. Los textos se toman de una variedad de tipos del texto incluso entrevistas, discusiones, conferencias y conversaciones.
Speaking (Paper 5), 14 minutos (aprox.)
Speaking evalúa su habilidad de interactuar en inglés en un rango de contextos. Contiene cuatro partes, incluso una sección de entrevista, exposiciones individuales de aproximadamente un minuto, una tarea colaborativa y una discusión. Se proporciona el material de estímulo como fotografías y dibujos.
Los resultados:
Cada componente lleva 20% del puntaje total. Hay tres notas para aprobar (A, B y C) y se otorgan los certificados a candidatos que logran estas notas.
Se envían los examenes a la Universidad de Cambridge por corregir y evaluar y los resultados se envían nuevamente a los centros autorizados en Argentina. Por razones de confidencialidad, Cambridge no da los resultados a los estudiantes individuales ni los publica en el website. Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta sobre sus resultados, usted debe contactarse con el centro dónde usted preparó el examen.
Una vez otorgados, los certificados de FCE son válidos de por vida.
Para tener éxito, usted deberá tener un amplio manejo de vocabulario, y la habilidad de desarrollar un argumento y usar los estilos de comunicación apropiados para diversas situaciones. Usted también necesitará demostrar un conocimiento de registro y de convenciones de cortesía y grados de formalidad para expresarse a través del idioma.
FCE es rendido por más de 270,000 personas cada año más de 100 países.
¿Por qué rendir FCE?
FCE es ideal si usted quiere trabajar o estudiar en el extranjero o desarrollar una carrera que requiera las habilidades del idioma (por ejemplo los negocios, la medicina, ingeniería, etc.). FCE indica la habilidad suficiente en inglés para su uso práctico en trabajos de secretaria y directivos en muchas industrias, en particular turismo dónde se requiere un buen manejo integral del idioma. Los candidatos exitosos tienen la habilidad de manejarse con cartas y requerimientos telefónicos y para se saben desempeñar en cursos de entrenamiento no-académicos y comprenden libros de texto simples y artículos.
FCE también es la preparación útil si usted está preparándose para los exámenes de niveles superiores, como CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) y CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
Los certificados otorgados por la Universidad de Cambridge ESOL Examinations están reconocidos por universidades y empresas en todo el mundo y son los únicos de carácter oficial en Argentina, dado que el Ministerio de Educación no avala ningún tipo de certificados emitidos por ningún Instituto, Cultural y/o academia de idiomas.
Usted también recibirá una declaración de resultados, mostrando cómo usted se ha desenvuelto en cada uno de los cinco partes del examen.
¿En qué consiste el examen?
FCE tiene cinco partes:
Lectura Comprensiva (Reading)
Producción Escrita (Writing)
Uso de Inglés (Use of English)
Comprensión Auditiva (Listening)
Oral (Speaking)
Cada uno de los tests escritos se envía a la Universidad de Cambridge para ser corregidos y evaluados. El examen Oral se dirige por dos examinadores locales que lo examinan cara a cara. Todos los examinadores son acreditados por Cambridge ESOL.
Reading (Paper 1), 1 hora 15 minutos
Este test evalúa su habilidad para leer y entender textos tomados de la ficción y de libros reales, periódicos y revistas. Se espera que usted pueda mostrar entendimiento de esencia, detalle y estructura del texto, y deducción de significados.
Writing (Paper 2), 1 hora 30 minutos
Este Test evalúa su habilidad de escribir textos como cartas, artículos, informes, composiciones y ensayos de 120-180 t palabras sobre un rango de temas para diferentes targets (tipos de lectores) y también sobre textos predeterminados.
Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hora 15 minutos
Este papel le exige que demuestre su conocimiento y comando del sistema del idioma completando varias tareas Éstos incluyen completar blancos, transformación de palabras y frases, e identificar errores en textos.
Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutos (aprox.)
Este examen evalúa su habilidad de entender el significado del inglés hablado, y para extraer la esencia y significando del texto hablado. Los textos se toman de una variedad de tipos del texto incluso entrevistas, discusiones, conferencias y conversaciones.
Speaking (Paper 5), 14 minutos (aprox.)
Speaking evalúa su habilidad de interactuar en inglés en un rango de contextos. Contiene cuatro partes, incluso una sección de entrevista, exposiciones individuales de aproximadamente un minuto, una tarea colaborativa y una discusión. Se proporciona el material de estímulo como fotografías y dibujos.
Los resultados:
Cada componente lleva 20% del puntaje total. Hay tres notas para aprobar (A, B y C) y se otorgan los certificados a candidatos que logran estas notas.
Se envían los examenes a la Universidad de Cambridge por corregir y evaluar y los resultados se envían nuevamente a los centros autorizados en Argentina. Por razones de confidencialidad, Cambridge no da los resultados a los estudiantes individuales ni los publica en el website. Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta sobre sus resultados, usted debe contactarse con el centro dónde usted preparó el examen.
Una vez otorgados, los certificados de FCE son válidos de por vida.
¿Por qué rendir PET?
PET (Preliminary English Test) es el segundo nivel en los exámenes ESOL de la Universidad de Cambridge. Es un examen de nivel intermedio. Si usted puede comunicarse en situaciones cotidianas de forma escrita y oral (por ejemplo comprender libros de texto simples y artículos, escribir cartas personales simples, tomar notas durante una reunión), entonces éste es el examen para usted.
PET es rendido por más de 80,000 personas cada año más de 80 países, y es una valiosa calificación si usted quiere trabajar o estudiar en el extranjero o desarrollar una carrera empresas multinacionales. También es la preparación útil para los exámenes superiores, como FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) y CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
¿Por qué rendir PET?
Estudiar para PET es una manera popular para mejorar sus habilidades para el idioma y usarlos en una gama amplia de contextos. PET cubre las cuatro habilidades del idioma principales - lectura, expresión escrita, comprensión auditiva y buen desenvolvimiento oral, utilizando material de situaciones de vida reales. Proporciona evidencia de habilidades prácticas, e indica habilidad suficiente para su uso práctico en trabajos de secretaria y directivos, y en muchas industrias, como turismo dónde se requiere personal con alto nivel de Inglés.
Al aprobar PET, usted recibirá un certificado de la Universidad de Cambridge ESOL Examinations. El certificado está reconocido por empresas en muchos países, y por Universidades en algunos países como una calificación inicial en inglés.
Usted también recibirá una declaración de resultados, mostrando el nivel alcanzado realizado en cada uno de los tres test, en que consiste PET.
¿En qué consiste el examen?
PET cosiste de tres Tests:
Lectura Comprensiva y Escrito (Reading and Writing)
Comprensión Auditiva (Listening)
Oral (Speaking)
Cada test es enviado a Cambridge para su corrección, excepto el examen Oral que se dirige por dos examinadores locales que examinan a candidatos cara a cara. Todos los examinadores son acreditados por Cambridge ESOL.
Reading and Writing (Paper 1), 1 hora 30 minutos
Este test evalúa su habilidad para leer y entender textos tomados de las señales, folletos, periódicos y revistas. Usted debe poder entender los mensajes principales y el efecto que ellos pueden tener en el lector, y ud. debe tener la habilidad de manejarse con palabras y estructuras que no sabe.
Hay varias tareas diferentes, incluso el completar espacios libres en textos simples, completando los formularios, y escribiendo informes corto o una carta de alrededor de 100 palabras, mostrar su conocimiento de estructuras, vocabulario, ortografía y puntuación.
Listening (Paper 2), 30 minutos
En esta parte del examen se evalúa su habilidad de entender el material grabado como anuncios públicos y diálogos. Usted debe poder entender la verdadera información en las grabaciones, y se evalúa las actitudes e intenciones de los portavoces.
Speaking (Paper 3), 10-12 minutos
El examen Oral evalúa su habilidad de interactuar en inglés con un examinador y con otro candidato. Usted debe poder contestar y preguntar personales y hablar libremente sobre sus gustos y preferencias.
Los resultados:
Cada examen lleva 25% del puntaje total. Hay dos calificaciones para aprobar (PASS WITH MERIT y PASS) y se otorgan los certificados a candidatos que logran estas calificaciones. Los candidatos que no logran el nivel requerido obtienen las siguientes calificaciones: NARROW FAIL y FAIL.
Se envían loe exámenes a la Universidad de Cambridge para corregir y evaluar y los resultados se envían nuevamente a los centros autorizados en Argentina. Por razones de confidencialidad, Cambridge ESOL no da los resultados a los estudiantes individuales o los publica en el website. Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta sobre sus resultados, usted debe contactarse con el centro dónde usted preparó el examen.
Una vez otorgados, diplomas de PET son válidos de por vida, siendo los únicos certificados OFICIALES en Argentina, excluyendo los otorgados por los Profesorados Nacionales en Inglés, ya que el Ministerio de Educación NO avala ningún certificado o título otorgados por Institutos, Culturales y/o Academias de Idiomas.
PET es rendido por más de 80,000 personas cada año más de 80 países, y es una valiosa calificación si usted quiere trabajar o estudiar en el extranjero o desarrollar una carrera empresas multinacionales. También es la preparación útil para los exámenes superiores, como FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) y CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
¿Por qué rendir PET?
Estudiar para PET es una manera popular para mejorar sus habilidades para el idioma y usarlos en una gama amplia de contextos. PET cubre las cuatro habilidades del idioma principales - lectura, expresión escrita, comprensión auditiva y buen desenvolvimiento oral, utilizando material de situaciones de vida reales. Proporciona evidencia de habilidades prácticas, e indica habilidad suficiente para su uso práctico en trabajos de secretaria y directivos, y en muchas industrias, como turismo dónde se requiere personal con alto nivel de Inglés.
Al aprobar PET, usted recibirá un certificado de la Universidad de Cambridge ESOL Examinations. El certificado está reconocido por empresas en muchos países, y por Universidades en algunos países como una calificación inicial en inglés.
Usted también recibirá una declaración de resultados, mostrando el nivel alcanzado realizado en cada uno de los tres test, en que consiste PET.
¿En qué consiste el examen?
PET cosiste de tres Tests:
Lectura Comprensiva y Escrito (Reading and Writing)
Comprensión Auditiva (Listening)
Oral (Speaking)
Cada test es enviado a Cambridge para su corrección, excepto el examen Oral que se dirige por dos examinadores locales que examinan a candidatos cara a cara. Todos los examinadores son acreditados por Cambridge ESOL.
Reading and Writing (Paper 1), 1 hora 30 minutos
Este test evalúa su habilidad para leer y entender textos tomados de las señales, folletos, periódicos y revistas. Usted debe poder entender los mensajes principales y el efecto que ellos pueden tener en el lector, y ud. debe tener la habilidad de manejarse con palabras y estructuras que no sabe.
Hay varias tareas diferentes, incluso el completar espacios libres en textos simples, completando los formularios, y escribiendo informes corto o una carta de alrededor de 100 palabras, mostrar su conocimiento de estructuras, vocabulario, ortografía y puntuación.
Listening (Paper 2), 30 minutos
En esta parte del examen se evalúa su habilidad de entender el material grabado como anuncios públicos y diálogos. Usted debe poder entender la verdadera información en las grabaciones, y se evalúa las actitudes e intenciones de los portavoces.
Speaking (Paper 3), 10-12 minutos
El examen Oral evalúa su habilidad de interactuar en inglés con un examinador y con otro candidato. Usted debe poder contestar y preguntar personales y hablar libremente sobre sus gustos y preferencias.
Los resultados:
Cada examen lleva 25% del puntaje total. Hay dos calificaciones para aprobar (PASS WITH MERIT y PASS) y se otorgan los certificados a candidatos que logran estas calificaciones. Los candidatos que no logran el nivel requerido obtienen las siguientes calificaciones: NARROW FAIL y FAIL.
Se envían loe exámenes a la Universidad de Cambridge para corregir y evaluar y los resultados se envían nuevamente a los centros autorizados en Argentina. Por razones de confidencialidad, Cambridge ESOL no da los resultados a los estudiantes individuales o los publica en el website. Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta sobre sus resultados, usted debe contactarse con el centro dónde usted preparó el examen.
Una vez otorgados, diplomas de PET son válidos de por vida, siendo los únicos certificados OFICIALES en Argentina, excluyendo los otorgados por los Profesorados Nacionales en Inglés, ya que el Ministerio de Educación NO avala ningún certificado o título otorgados por Institutos, Culturales y/o Academias de Idiomas.
domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007
Why take FCE?
FCE (First Certificate in English)
FCE is an intermediate level Cambridge ESOL exam, at level B2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages . Choose FCE if your knowledge of English is adequate for many practical everyday purposes, including business and study.
To be successful, you will have a wide grasp of vocabulary, and be able to construct an argument and use appropriate communication styles for a variety of situations. You also need to show an awareness of register and of the conventions of politeness and degrees of formality as they are expressed through language.
FCE is taken by more than 270,000 people each year in more than 100 countries.
Why take FCE?
FCE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career which requires language skills (e.g. business, medicine, engineering). FCE indicates sufficient proficiency in English to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs in many industries, in particular tourism, where contact with English speakers is required. Successful candidates have the ability to deal with routine letters and telephone enquiries, and to cope with some non-academic training courses and simple textbooks and articles.
FCE is also useful preparation if you are working towards higher level exams, such as CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
On passing the exam you will receive a certificate awarded by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, which is recognised by universities and employers throughout the world.
You will also receive a statement of results, showing how you performed in each of the five papers.
What does the exam involve?
FCE has five papers:
Use of English
Each of the written papers is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment. The Speaking Test is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine you face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.
Reading (Paper 1), 1 hour 15 minutes
This paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines. You are expected to be able to show understanding of gist, detail and text structure, and deduce meaning.
Writing (Paper 2), 1 hour 30 minutes
This paper assesses your ability to write non-specialised text types such as letters, articles, reports, compositions and reviews of 120-180 words covering a range of topics and target readers and also set texts.
Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hour 15 minutes
This paper requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at text and sentence level. These include filling gaps, transforming words and phrases, and identifying errors in texts.
Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutes (approx.)
This paper assesses your ability to understand the meaning of spoken English, and to extract gist and meaning from spoken text. The texts are taken from a variety of text types including interviews, discussions, lectures and conversations.
Speaking (Paper 5), 14 minutes (approx.)
The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English in a range of contexts. It contains four parts, including an interview section, individual long turns of about one minute, a collaborative task and a discussion. You are provided with stimulus material such as photographs and drawings. You will normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.
Each component carries 20% of the total marks. There are three pass grades (A, B and C) and certificates are awarded to candidates who achieve these grades. Candidates who achieve a grade D or E are judged not to have reached the required standard for FCE.
Exam scripts are sent to Cambridge ESOL for marking and grading and the results are sent back to the centres. For reasons of confidentiality, Cambridge ESOL does not give results to individual students or publish them on the website. If you have any questions about your results, you should contact the centre where you took the exam.
Once awarded Cambridge ESOL FCE certificates are valid for life.
FCE is an intermediate level Cambridge ESOL exam, at level B2 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages . Choose FCE if your knowledge of English is adequate for many practical everyday purposes, including business and study.
To be successful, you will have a wide grasp of vocabulary, and be able to construct an argument and use appropriate communication styles for a variety of situations. You also need to show an awareness of register and of the conventions of politeness and degrees of formality as they are expressed through language.
FCE is taken by more than 270,000 people each year in more than 100 countries.
Why take FCE?
FCE is ideal if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career which requires language skills (e.g. business, medicine, engineering). FCE indicates sufficient proficiency in English to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs in many industries, in particular tourism, where contact with English speakers is required. Successful candidates have the ability to deal with routine letters and telephone enquiries, and to cope with some non-academic training courses and simple textbooks and articles.
FCE is also useful preparation if you are working towards higher level exams, such as CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
On passing the exam you will receive a certificate awarded by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, which is recognised by universities and employers throughout the world.
You will also receive a statement of results, showing how you performed in each of the five papers.
What does the exam involve?
FCE has five papers:
Use of English
Each of the written papers is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment. The Speaking Test is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine you face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.
Reading (Paper 1), 1 hour 15 minutes
This paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines. You are expected to be able to show understanding of gist, detail and text structure, and deduce meaning.
Writing (Paper 2), 1 hour 30 minutes
This paper assesses your ability to write non-specialised text types such as letters, articles, reports, compositions and reviews of 120-180 words covering a range of topics and target readers and also set texts.
Use of English (Paper 3), 1 hour 15 minutes
This paper requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and control of the language system by completing various tasks at text and sentence level. These include filling gaps, transforming words and phrases, and identifying errors in texts.
Listening (Paper 4), 40 minutes (approx.)
This paper assesses your ability to understand the meaning of spoken English, and to extract gist and meaning from spoken text. The texts are taken from a variety of text types including interviews, discussions, lectures and conversations.
Speaking (Paper 5), 14 minutes (approx.)
The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English in a range of contexts. It contains four parts, including an interview section, individual long turns of about one minute, a collaborative task and a discussion. You are provided with stimulus material such as photographs and drawings. You will normally take the Speaking Test in pairs.
Each component carries 20% of the total marks. There are three pass grades (A, B and C) and certificates are awarded to candidates who achieve these grades. Candidates who achieve a grade D or E are judged not to have reached the required standard for FCE.
Exam scripts are sent to Cambridge ESOL for marking and grading and the results are sent back to the centres. For reasons of confidentiality, Cambridge ESOL does not give results to individual students or publish them on the website. If you have any questions about your results, you should contact the centre where you took the exam.
Once awarded Cambridge ESOL FCE certificates are valid for life.
Why take PET?
PET (Preliminary English Test)
PET is the second level Cambridge ESOL exam. It is an intermediate level exam, at Level B1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you can deal with everyday written and spoken communications (e.g. read simple textbooks and articles, write simple personal letters, make notes during a meeting), then this is the exam for you.
PET is taken by more than 80,000 people each year in more than 80 countries, and is a valuable qualification if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career in international business. It is also useful preparation for higher level exams, such as FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
Why take PET?
Studying for PET is a popular way to improve your language skills and use them in a wide range of contexts. PET covers the four main language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking, using material from real life situations. It provides evidence of practical skills, and indicates sufficient ability to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs, and in many industries, such as tourism, where contact with English speakers is required.
If you are successful, you will receive a certificate from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. The certificate is recognised by employers in many countries, and recognised by universities in some countries as an initial qualification in English.
You will also receive a statement of results, showing how you have performed in each of the three papers.
What does the exam involve?
PET has three papers:
Reading and Writing
Each paper is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment, except the Speaking Test, which is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.
Reading and Writing (Paper 1), 1 hour 30 minutes
The Reading and Writing paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. You should be able to understand the main messages and the effect they may have on a reader, and be able to deal with words and structures you do not know.
There are several different tasks, including filling in gaps in simple texts, completing forms, and writing a short report or letter of around 100 words to show your knowledge of structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.
Listening (Paper 2), 30 minutes
The Listening paper assesses your ability to understand recorded material such as public announcements and dialogues. You should be able to understand the factual information in the recordings, and assess the attitudes and intentions of the speakers.
Speaking (Paper 3), 10-12 minutes
The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English with an examiner and with another candidate. You need to be able to answer and ask questions about yourself and to talk freely about what you like and do not like.
Each skill carries 25% of the total marks. There are two pass grades (Pass with merit and Pass) and certificates are awarded to candidates who achieve these grades. Candidates who achieve a grade Narrow Fail or Fail are judged not to have reached the required standard for PET.
Exam scripts are sent to Cambridge ESOL for marking and grading and the results are sent back to the centres. For reasons of confidentiality, Cambridge ESOL does not give results to individual students or publish them on the website. If you have any questions about your results, you should contact the centre where you took the exam.
Once awarded Cambridge ESOL PET certificates are valid for life.
PET is the second level Cambridge ESOL exam. It is an intermediate level exam, at Level B1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you can deal with everyday written and spoken communications (e.g. read simple textbooks and articles, write simple personal letters, make notes during a meeting), then this is the exam for you.
PET is taken by more than 80,000 people each year in more than 80 countries, and is a valuable qualification if you want to work or study abroad or to develop a career in international business. It is also useful preparation for higher level exams, such as FCE (First Certificate in English), CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English).
Why take PET?
Studying for PET is a popular way to improve your language skills and use them in a wide range of contexts. PET covers the four main language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking, using material from real life situations. It provides evidence of practical skills, and indicates sufficient ability to be of practical use in clerical, secretarial and managerial jobs, and in many industries, such as tourism, where contact with English speakers is required.
If you are successful, you will receive a certificate from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. The certificate is recognised by employers in many countries, and recognised by universities in some countries as an initial qualification in English.
You will also receive a statement of results, showing how you have performed in each of the three papers.
What does the exam involve?
PET has three papers:
Reading and Writing
Each paper is returned to Cambridge for marking and assessment, except the Speaking Test, which is conducted by two locally based examiners who examine candidates face to face. All examiners are accredited by Cambridge ESOL.
Reading and Writing (Paper 1), 1 hour 30 minutes
The Reading and Writing paper assesses your ability to read and understand texts taken from signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. You should be able to understand the main messages and the effect they may have on a reader, and be able to deal with words and structures you do not know.
There are several different tasks, including filling in gaps in simple texts, completing forms, and writing a short report or letter of around 100 words to show your knowledge of structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation.
Listening (Paper 2), 30 minutes
The Listening paper assesses your ability to understand recorded material such as public announcements and dialogues. You should be able to understand the factual information in the recordings, and assess the attitudes and intentions of the speakers.
Speaking (Paper 3), 10-12 minutes
The Speaking Test assesses your ability to interact in conversational English with an examiner and with another candidate. You need to be able to answer and ask questions about yourself and to talk freely about what you like and do not like.
Each skill carries 25% of the total marks. There are two pass grades (Pass with merit and Pass) and certificates are awarded to candidates who achieve these grades. Candidates who achieve a grade Narrow Fail or Fail are judged not to have reached the required standard for PET.
Exam scripts are sent to Cambridge ESOL for marking and grading and the results are sent back to the centres. For reasons of confidentiality, Cambridge ESOL does not give results to individual students or publish them on the website. If you have any questions about your results, you should contact the centre where you took the exam.
Once awarded Cambridge ESOL PET certificates are valid for life.
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